Keladi Tikus: Cancer Research - Keladi Tikus Malaysia HQ - Asli Mengandungi Buku Rujukan (Typhonium flagelliforme, Rodent tuber, Laoshu yu)

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Keladi Tikus
All the information in this section are extracted from local and international universities,  please refer to the link given for further information

"...Until now (August 1998) this herb has been helped over 800 cancer patients, some of them are coming from New Zealand, United States, India, Indonesia and Australia." - Prof. KH Teo C, USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

What is Typhonium Flagelliforme?
Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd.) Blume is the scientific name for Keladi Tikus, also known as Rodent tuber, Tu ban xia or Lao shu yu. Categorized as Araceae plant family, this plants only can reach a height between 25 to 30cm and usually can be found 1000 meters from the sea level. Typhonium flagelliforme grow in moist habitat and are not too exposed to a direct sunlight. Ancient people around North east asia use this herbaceous plant to prevent some chronic disease, its rich with some of the world most best nutrient; antioxidant, that was studying around the world (link). Typhonium flagelliforme quiet known among Malaysian chinese and medical supplementary practitioners as Lao shu yu or Keladi Cheng.

According to Prof KH Teo, USM Pulau Pinang, people who want to take this herbs should pay more attention not to consume Typhonium divaricatum that look alike Typhonium flagelliforme, because there are death case after consuming the wrong typhonium. Expert is a must when selecting the right Typhonium flagelliforme plants to make a strong medicine, because an unmatured plant did not contain a Hexane and Dichloromethane that can inhibits cancer from multiply, as matured do. Some other research also has been done by UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia) with some rats, this research is to study the effectiveness of Typhonium flagelliforme and the way cancer react with its nutrion - link. Once it reach its maturity, Keladi Tikus (Typhonium Flagelliforme, Rodent Tuber, Tu Ban Xia, Lao Shu Yu) will flowering with a long mouse tail shape flower. Keladi tikus only can produce the best of it own miracle property after reach the maturity at the age of 4 month. The substance called Hexane and Dichloromethane that produce by this matured herbs actually can be use as a main component, mixing with another herbs to treating a variety of chronic diseases, including cancer, and it was hunting by a complementary medicine practitioner and people who seeking some treatment base on nature basis.

The reaction of human leukemic cell with Typhonium flagelliforme extract.

Untuk hasil yang berkesan, Berkat Herba Nusantara hanya menjamin keaslian herba Keladi tikus yang terdapat pada STF Keladi Tikus dan TF Keladi Tikus Plus Aprikot sahaja. Sayangi diri, dapatkan hanya keluaran berdaftar dan asli.

Studies and Analysis
In Malaysia, this plant is growing wild before it was discover to be a most effective remedy for cancer treatment. Rodent tuber (Typhonium flagelliforme) that usually can be found in wet, swampy are become rare species because the effect of development, people use the land to build house and building, as a result, not much space left for this tiny medicinal tuber to grow wild. There's lots of article, medical journal and thesis that describe how effective this plant in cancer treatment, most of the study are made in controlled enviroment.

There is no exact date when or who the first user of this herbs, but according to G. Loddiges (1786-1846) the person who traded in and introduced exotic plants and trees to the world describe, he received this plant (Typhonium flagelliforme) from his friend, Dr. Carey from Serampore (West Bengal, India) in 1819. According to people who live in West Bengal, this plant is herbaceous, which contains a property to cure certain types of disease. This historical facts show that this plant has been discovered by West Bengal people before its gain the potential for cancer treatment in Malaysia after a few scientific study conducted.

Typhonium flagelliforme: A True Story
Cancer is no longer lethal. The cancer patients in Indonesia can have a longer life expectancy with the discovery of the plant "rodent tuber" (Typhonium Flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber) as a medicinal plant that can stop and treat various cancers and other serious diseases.Taro plants with a maximum height of 25 to 30 cm is only grown in the bush that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Medicinal plants have been studied since 1995 by Prof. Dr. Chris KH Teo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia and also the founder of Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia. Cancer treatment institutions established in 1995 that has helped thousands of patients from Malaysia, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and various countries in the world.In Indonesia, this plant first discovered by Patoppoi in Pekalongan, Central Java. At that time, the wife Patoppoi stage III breast cancer and had surgery January 14, 1998. After the cancer is removed through surgery, Patoppoi wife had to undergo chemotherapy (injection of chemicals to kill the cells) to stop the spread of cancer cells.

During accompany her to chemotherapy, Patoppoi continue to seek alternative treatment until he got the information about the use of the Lin Qi in Malaysia to treat cancer. "At that time I also fly to Malaysia to buy tea," said Patoppoi who is also a biologist. When it was in a drug store in Malaysia, he accidentally saw and read books on cancer treatment, entitled Cancer, Yet They Live by Dr. Chris KH Teo published in 1996. "After I read at a glance, I just bought the book. Once I found the book, I did not even buy tea Lin Qi, but immediately return to Indonesia, "he recalls with a smile Patoppoi. In reading the book Patoppoi typhonium flagelliforme efficacy.

Based on his knowledge in the field of biology, retired Department of Agriculture officials immediately investigate and search for these plants. After contacting several colleagues at various places, relatives in Pekalongan, Central Java, to call back. Apparently, they discovered the plant there. After getting the plants and learn more, contact Dr. Patoppoi. Teo in Malaysia to ask for the truth of the plants he found it.

After a few days, Dr Teo contacted Patoppoi and explained that these plants are really Rodent Tuber. "Dr Teo said that no doubt for use as a drug," said Patoppoi. Finally, with determination and prayer for healing, Patoppoi began processing plant in accordance with the steps in the book to be drunk as a medicine. Patoppoi then contacted his son, Boni Patoppoi in Buduran, Sidoarjo to go find these plants. "After looking at the characteristics of these plants, I started looking at the river front of the house and immediately I get these plants growing wild in the river," said Boni who accompanied his father at that time.

The juice consumed the plant, wife Patoppoi decrease side effects of the chemotherapy. Hair stopped falling out, skin is not damaged and the nausea disappeared. "Even my mother's appetite is back to normal," said Boni.
After three months of taking the drug, the wife Patoppoi cancer checkup. "The results of the examination is negative, and it really surprised us and the doctors in Jakarta," said Patoppoi. The doctors were then asked to Patoppoi, what was given to his wife .. "In fact they doubt if they have the wrong dose of chemotherapy to us," continued Patoppoi.

After the stories Rodent Tuber plant, the doctors also supports the treatment and suggested expanding. Moreover, notice that his wife did not experience the side effects of chemotherapy is very hard. And examination should be delayed three months to six months. "But for one thing, the doctors did not want to openly support the use of plants as alternative medicine," Boni said, laughing.

After a while not related, based on increased state of his wife, in April 1998, then contact Dr.Teo Patoppoi by fax to inform you that there is a lot of plants in Java and invited Dr.. Teo to spread the use of this plant in Indonesia.Then Dr. Teo reply directly to fax us, but they do not know what they should do, because of the distance, "continued Patoppoi. Although Patoppoi suggested that their books translated into Indonesiadan distributed in Indonesia, Dr. Teo recommends that both parties work together and concentrate on real business helping cancer patients in Indonesia.

Then, in late January 2000 when the Jawa Pos review Wiryanto Wing out of the death, one of the reliable reporters Jawa Pos, Patoppoi was dumbfounded. Detailed data about symptoms, pain, treatment is reviewed in Jawa Pos, was the same as one of the colon cancer treatment experiences described in the book. And experimental treatment cured the patient. "Then I immediately wrote in a column in Readers Write Java Post," Boni said. And the response he received was really unexpected. Within a day, can be about 30 phone calls. "Until now, there are about 300 people who come here," Boni is located at Jl. KH. Khamdani, Buduran Sidoarjo.

The first patient is a patient who managed early-stage Cervical Cancer. Once checked, the doctor should be dioperasi.Tetapi because the cost and yet has sold his house while waiting for the operating costs, they came after reading the Jawa Pos. Once the plants are given and how to drink it, not long after the patient came back and reported that he did not need an operation, because the negative results of the examination.

Based on public interest about which very high, trying to see Dr. Patoppoi. Teo directly. The assistance of the Director General of Drug and Food Department of Health, Sampurno, Patoppoi can see Dr.. Teo in Penang, Malaysia. In the office of the Cancer Care Center Penang, Malaysia, Patoppoi get further information regarding the current crop research were found to have Indonesian names. Apparently when Patoppoi got the book "Cancer, Yet They Live" revised edition 1999, fax sent on to include in the book, as well as the experience of his wife in an attempt to fight against cancer. From their conversation, Dr.. Teo recommends that Patoppoi establish representative Cancer Care in Jakarta and Surabaya.

Cancer Care Malaysia has developed a form of treatment is more sophisticated. They have been manufacturing rodent tuber extract in pill and powder tea combined with various other tananaman with a certain dose. "The dose required depends on the illness," said Boni.

Many interesting things happened Boni for receiving and providing assistance to a variety of patients. There's even a heavy addict heroin and shabu-shabu in Surabaya, which eventually addicts are getting lung cancer. After receiving the verdict of lung cancer stage III, the patient was taking pills and teas from Cancer Care. The result is quite surprising, because the drug can remove toxic drugs from the patient's blood circulation and overcome the dependence on these drugs. "But, if the addict is able to neutralize the poison with Rodent Tuber, he should not do drugs anymore, because surely there will be resistance. So do not be like kebo, finished wallowing bath again, "Boni said, laughing.

Also there is the experience of patients who howled in pain due to cancer gnawing attack, because painkillers are not working anymore. After the rats were given drinking juice taro, a few moments later the patient is calm and no longer feel pain.

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